All learners have a wide range of needs, thus we essentially divide them into numerous categories, such as listening learners, reading learners, active learners, and so on. For students who enjoy reading more, PowerPoint presentations and articles are available. We have YouTube videos or videos from other educational websites for those who enjoy watching films with audio and visual elements. For those who want to study independently, we also offer links to textbooks or articles. The class is primarily behaviorist in nature. Through presentations, teachers instruct students and impart knowledge. All students have access to a wealth of materials.

In the aspect of difficulties, we plan to start with the content they already know and pull in new points step by step in order to let them adapt to the difficulty. If they have questions, they can ask teachers or classmates. To make sure they fully understand the new knowledge, assessment is required. Based on the results of the assessment, we can track their progress rate and change our teaching plan to fit them.

If we need to switch to online learning due to force majeure, we can change our classroom to Zoom to have presentations, and the whole class is recorded. Records are uploaded to YouTube for learners to review. A transcript for presentations is also available. Because learners study online at home and lack communication with classmates, we can create an online group through Discord, Microsoft Teams, or Mattermost so they can discuss with each other online or ask questions to teachers.